The ID3,  is the information that contains an own music file, artist, title, year, albúm, etc.

And when reproducing this file it is a reproducer or to give it of high in the wit, it already catches of him same, all those data and we don't have this way to write them.


The publishing ID3 edit, will help us to to organize and to classify our musical files.


Before giving them of high in the wit or to store them in some support, ID3 edit, us it will allow in an easy way, to change the internal data of the file, as artist, group, albúm, year, and even to classify it with those styles of wit music and to keep that information, in the own file.


Let us put for example, files that contain the artist and title separated by a script, point or another sign, because in a very easy way, we will make them to separate and each thing passes to its corresponding id3.




WE SELECT ONE directory



Next we select the files that we want to see, mp3 or wma, and they will appear in the listing window.


To the right, they leave us the data of the song, we can to modify them and once, facts the changes pulse on the green arrow to keep them.








We can erase a word or contained words, in the one title, artist or file name.

We write the word, we select where to erase it: artist, song, file and then we pulse the seen green.  Ej: 1-juan martinez-the song-wwx.bajadas.cox.mp3  and we need quitar  wwx.bajadas.cox of our securities or files.



We also have the option to erase numbers that it would erase us the contained numbers, for example suppose that we have:     01-juan martinez-the cancion.mp3

Because if eliegimos the opcíon file and then to erase numbers, we would obtain: - juan martinez-the cancion.mp3

If later we need to remove the "- "

We write. in erasing and we press the green arrow and we obtain: juan martinez-the cancion.mp3






These options allow us, to put to all the songs oneself data, for example the same artist, albúm or year, to all at the same time.





       It is option this foreseen one to catch of all the files, the artist and title, and to place them in the id3, in way automatic.


If we catch the example: juan martinez-the cancion.mp3

We mark the option inter, in separator we put.

And we pulse the button automatic.

If we wanted to put him the name of the albúm and year, we stuff the corresponding stalls.





Also it has the option of choosing styles individually for each song or to apply those styles to all the songs if we press the button to apply to all the songs these styles.