The Reproducer without none
he/she doubts, it is the most important screen in WIT, the control center and emission.
To big features we will say that WIT is based on a new emission system by areas, more concretely
four areas, where the first one is the one that has more preference and the fourth the
that less. With only to give to the PLAY, the one
reproducer starts.
When pressing PLAY the reproducer he/she starts.
First he/she goes to the area of PUBLICITY and it stops
to see if it should emit some announcement. If he/she doesn't find none he/she goes to the HOTZONE.
Second he/she goes to the HOTZONE if he/she finds some
I file in this area it reproduces it. If he/she doesn't go to PROGRAMS
Third go to PROGRAMS, if he/she finds some
I file it reproduces it. If there is not it happens I stuff (If it is activated).
Room if the option filler is
selected it will load
a half file at random.
As the reproducer it works it is the most important part of
WIT, some minutes of reading and 1 hour of practice is more than enough for
to learn it, computer science's knowledge is not required for its use.
· Panel
digital of control
· Accesses
to menus.
· Panel
of files stocking
· Hotzone
· Publicity
· Programs
· Emission
Vumeter compressor
. Chat
Tools control
Monitor cue
Meteorological station
Keys functions
Color Skins
In the superior part of the screen. this
screen is mainly indicative and informative.
We can right encontrar(superior)
the file mediates that he/she is reproducing: title, author, remaining time and the one
I file that is in wait.
Fx´s insole seleccionada(superior
left), this insole consists of 10 special goods that you/they reproduce
pulsing from the key F1 to the F10. To select an insole it is necessary to go
to the panel of files stocking-Fx and to select FXS.
To change
with effect: it is
option is under the fxs, it means that
when a song change takes place to song, so that this it changed it is more
spectacular and creative during the beginning of the same one he/she will reproduce a fx automatically, in each
I change one beginning with the first one, later the first one and this way consecutively.
automatic: (to the
derecha)se refers to the operation of the reproducer,
if it is in automatic the changes they are carried out so that when one finishes
song reproduces automatically the other one. If the
manual option is the selected one it means that after each song there is that
to press PLAY so that he/she reproduces the one that is in
he/she waits, that is to say after each song he/she stops. The default option is
Filler: Wit when it is in automatic shape it reproduces a song and
when finishing it reproduces the one that is in wait, if there is not none in wait you
for. If we have the activated option filler, he/she won't stop if not that one will choose
at random and it will put it in wait to reproduce, so that he/she will never stop.
x Songs x Masks: Option related with the previous one
I stuff, it means like the aleatory system of selection will work for the one
I stuff, each how many songs are to put a certain number of masks,
if we want that it puts three songs and later two masks and so forth,
we will put: 3 songs 2 masks.
To SELECT THE MASKS that will put on in the filler in in wità padded playeràschedulingàcaretas
Microphone: When pressing the microphone the channel he/she opens up
of the mixer and it lowers the volume according to the securities that we have en the following options:
Speak: volume of the microphone
Music: volume of the music when the one
microphone is open
Car: if we select this option when we begin to speak the level of
music bajará automatically.
It is a car fader. It requires that the sound compressor
be active.
The line of the microphone is configured in wità playeràconfiguracionesà configuration you generate it vozàid micro
Telephone: It is good to pass the sound of the calls in direct.
We will configure the modem, saying him which it is the com that uses in wità playeràconfiguracionesà configuration generates it telephone, also
right here we will be able to configure the level to that the music should go down I go a long way
let us have the active telephone.
HE/SHE NOTICES: The filler doesn't influence on the
publicity scheduled programs to emit, that is to say if
we have an announcement for the 15.30 hrs and the program
it works in padded way when it arrives at that hour the announcement it will be emitted and
then it will continue with the filler. The same thing if it is time to emit a
it programs, it will emit it and when finishing it will continue with the filler.
It activates textvoice: This active option the way of
presentation with artificial voices. If when we have created the program
hemos written text in the area help of each song is it will be transformed into voice. To remember
that if when creating the program we have given him the option of active textvoice, automatically to the one
to load it the option will be activated and when finishing this program it will be disabled.
Play: It begins the reproduction, or the
it continues if you had pressed pause. If there is not anything selected but the way
I stuff it is selected, he/she will begin at random with a song.
It pauses: He/she stops the reproduction.
Stop: He/she stops the reproduction.
Setback: It begins the song or file ab initio again.
Advance: It happens to
the following song or file. If we are reproducing a song and we have
another in wait, will stop the first one and the one will begin that is in wait.
Filter: it filters the listings of songs and
Press the drawings in leaf form and it will have all the
information of the song, group or artist
The function of this panel is clear and concise: it is where you
they select the files so that they are loaded in the HOTZONE of the reproducer,
files that will be emitted soon.
Inside this panel of files stocking we find eight
Bellboys comunes to all:
It DARTS of the right it loads the file
selected in the hotzone.
LANTERN is good to look for files for the one
name, as well as we go writing the files that coincide appear.
RE if we write the number of the
song or another half file and we press the
it darts of to the side, it is
immediately loaded in the hotzone.
He/she ADDS it determines if when loading a file in
the hotzone will be added to the end of the list or se it will insert
between two files.
Here we select the song that we want to load in the
We can look for for letters.
Preescucharlas (CUE).
To order them for title or interpreter.
We also have a screen of information with the styles,
it dates of high, album, duration.
He/she tells us the DATE and HOUR of the last time that it was
emitted the song, appears in the right superior frame.
Here we select the masks that we want to load in
We can look for for letters.
Preescucharlas (CUE).
We also have a screen of information with those
styles, it dates of high, duration.
Here we select the advertising announcements that we want
to load in the HOTZONE.
We can look for for letters.
Preescucharlas (CUE).
We also have a screen of dated information
of high, duration.
Here we select the Fx that
we want to load in the HOTZONE.
We can look for for letters.
Preescucharlas (CUE).
We also have a screen of dated information
of high, duration
From Here the insoles of Fx´s are also loaded ,
of the player
That they are 10 goods that you/they are shot with the keys
Here we select the several ones that we want to load in the
We can look for for letters.
Preescucharlas (CUE).
We also have a screen of dated information
of high, duration.
In this section we select a program of the list and it is
loaded in the "area it programs", when being loaded if there were files in the hotzone, they are eliminated.
In this section it is where the annotations, script or text appear
of the program.
Let us remember that we can write what we will say
us, what you/they will say the voices
artificial or annotations, when creating a program. To each file
multimedia will correspond him a space help and this way
as he/she goes reproducing the program, the Help will go
The text of the HELP is the one that appears in the Tele - Scroll
This section is good us to write any word or
sentences so that in an instantaneous way when pressing the textvoice button
Play, be read by the artificial voices.
We have the option to select the artificial voice
that we want.
Here it is where seleccionamos the voice of the presentations of the songs
that we have recorded by our own speakers. They are recorded in wità playeràpresentaciones vozàcanciones files stocking
Here it is where we select the filters so that those
searches and the files stocking are quicker.
We can apply filters to songs, masks and several.
And we can filter for styles, gender, dates of high, year.
Here we can load an internet connection
. sat. aux in a manual way
and also to begin and to finish a remote pause, so that the local radio stations
they can emit their publicity.
Play 1: it begins
a pause so that the other radio stations emit their publicity
Stop 1: for the remote pause
Play 2: it loads
an internet connection / sat
/ aux
Stop 2: for the current connection.
Record WEEK timer
Here we have the information of the recordings that
we have programmed for the day.
Week: We can program recordings
weekly indicating the hour of beginning and of end.
Rec : opens record manager
Acm format: it is the format of
compression that will be used for the recordings.
Rapid Player
It is an instantaneous and RECHARGEABLE reproducer of files
from the same player.
We can also make rapids insoles,
to already have the rapids prepared.
blue play :
it reproduces
gray play: he/she leaves the rapid
in wait and he/she will reproduce when it finishes the one that is reproducing.
H: it loads the rapid
in the hotzone of the player
N: it loads the rapid
in the next of the player
Rubber to erase: it erases the rapid
It darts blue: it loads the file he/she mediates that we have
pointed out in the half files of the player.
I square white: it loads us a rapid
It rotates: it changes title to interpreter and
vice versa.
In the hotzone it is where they are loaded
the files that we load so that they are reproduced proximamente .
In this area we can see the publicity it programs, day hour and advertiser,
when arriving automatically to that hour and day the programs
it emits it.
We can choose the form of how it will interrupt the
emission to emit the publicity:
Exact: Short the reproduction and it reproduces
immediately the announcement.
Close: He/she waits to that finishes the file that is reproducing
and next it emits the publicity. It substitutes the file that is in
Standard: It loads the announcement when it is free the one
"NEXT", doesn't cut neither it substitutes the file that is in "NEXT"
These options are in wità configuracionesà configuration you generate it publicity
When loading a program in the panel of files stocking,
he/she will appear in this area.
In this area we find the list of the programs that you
they will emit automatically orderly for date and
hour. To program a program so that it is emitted to one hour and day
certain we should :
1. To create a programa wità playerà programasà maintenance
2. To go to wità schedulingà programmer of emissions
to indicate the day and hour of emission.
Wit incorporates a vumeter
real of the exit of the card of audio that us
it indicates the sum of all volumes of the card of audio, what allows us a
total control of the volume.
Car Nomalizer Compress :
This option activates us the compressor that will correct us on time real those
differences of volume among the music that we are reproducing, if it has been
too high engraving will lower it, and if it is too low it will go up it so that
let us emit a constant level of sound. The parameters of the compressor those
we find in :
wità configuracionesà configuration generates it compressor
We should keep in mind that the compressor consumes resources
of the computer, therefore you should configure it according to the capacity of our
Televisor active : the tele - scroll
for the reading of texts and scripts
Libreta : notebook for annotations
Email : opens the screen of
email shippings
: he/she opens us a navigator web
News player
: he/she opens the reproducer of news
News seeker : the searcher of news opens up so that
we can load them in the hotzone
Rapids : opens us the one
rapids reproducer
CHAT / net
It is good us to communicate among any Pc of the net, if we don't have the Player
open, he/she communicates through the Monitor
It affects the Pc´s in net of the
same radio.
Car: emits
the publicity automatically, interrupts the emission
according to the parameter defined in :
wità configuracionesà configuration generates it publicity
he/she can
ser : it fences, exact, standard
Play: loads and it emits the siguiente advertising block, in a manual way.
: inform on the
pending publicity of emitting, computer per hours and for companies.
>> : it loads the announcement in the hotzone
Rubber to erase: it eliminates the selected announcement of the list
To activate textvoice: Active the voices of MsAgent that you/they will read the text written in the info help of the file.
To: Report
on the program
Leaf: opens up
the screen of the info of the file
Monitor cue: for
to make the preescucha of the file
Rubber to erase 1: it eliminates all the files of the one
it programs
àà: loads the file in the hotzone and it eliminates of the hotzone
all the previous ones
>> : it loads the file in the hotzone
Rubber to erase 2: it eliminates selected file of the it lists
Monitor cue: for
to make the preescucha of the file
àà: loads the file in the hotzone and it eliminates of the hotzone
all the previous ones
>> : it loads the file in the hotzone
Rubber to erase: it eliminates selected file of the list
Leaf: opens up the screen of the info of the file
Publicity Blocks: to insert masks
We can tell to Wit that when
will put an advertising block it puts:
Before beginning one
When finishing another mask
A mask each a
certain number of announcements
To select that type of masks debit side to use.
The function replay, returns to
to reproduce the file ab initio.
Here we can select like we want him to be carried out this
returned at the beginning.
Replay mix: carrying out a mixture
Replay cut: an immediate cut
Fx: that it shoots a fx,
when beginning the file again, we should select the effect that we want.
The Tele-scroll is good to slip texts so that the speaker
he/she can read them.
We can:
To regulate
the speed
That he/she goes up or
That he/she stops in each
That he/she repeats loop
Advance and setback
Default the play and
the stop is controlled from the bar espaciadora.
The Tele.scroll
it slips the texts of the Help of the songs or of a
it programs, we can also load manually texts and independent.
When we work in net and with locution study, this
function is activated from the Study monitor, and everything is synchronized automatically by the player, in
the terminals. For that that our
speakers in the locution study will have the whole information of
times of the songs, and they will be activated the tele-scroll
When selecting
any button info of the player
it takes us to this screen that gives us information on the song and the group.
This information is believed and he/she stays in witàplayeràinfo
The monitor cue allows us to make preescuchas of the files stocking in a card of audio
different to the one that is used to reproduce the sound of the air.
The card of sound of the monitor is configured in witàconfiguracionesàconfiguración generalàaudio devices
When we make preescuchas of
files that are in the hotzone and in the next ,
we will also be able to vary the beginning moment or final, to adapt it to
our necessities.
The monitor admits all type of files stocking, even video, divx, vcd, mpg, etc. All the compatible formats with WMP9.
It is the finder that indicates the temperature and he/she gives access to the
meteorological information of your city.
To activate it you should go to:
witàconfiguracionesàconfiguración generalàmeteorología
It is upgraded every 30 minutes
It requires internet connection
If we pulse on this screen we will consent c another screen
with all the particulars on the forecast of the time.
They are those
keys that control the functions of the player from
the keyboard.
We can
to relate the keys with the functions in :
witàconfiguracionesàconfiguración generalàkeys
They are those
color of the player these they can modify in:
witàconfiguracionesàconfiguración generalàcolores
The skins is the funds of the player, every time that we press skins,
he/she goes changing.