Remote corresponding to Files stocking



High of files he/she mediates 


                     From files


                     From an audio cd


Half manager




                     To upgrade tag ID3


                     To eliminate non existent files


                     Number discharges


                     To convert names


Half Played






To care / to export




Cd´s ripper




























NET: HIGH DE FILES MEDIA  when we use WIT in net


VERY IMPORTANTE  If WIT uses 2004 in NET or he/she goes him to to use when giving of high files or directories debit side to follow this norm: it should of to give of discharge selecting as unit ENVIRONMENT of NET or MY PLACE of NET, NEVER from C :\ d :\ since etc. if he/she made it this files they could only work in the servant and NOT in the terminals.



 To make sure that in way net the discharges be given from I Intone of net, go: witàconfiguracionesàconfiguración generalàred  y activate the safe-deposit control.



























HIGH OF FILES MEDIA :         From files



From here we will give of high the sound files and video, that we have in the hard disk.



1         We will select if we want to give of high a single file or all the files of the directory

        The program admits all the compatible files stocking with Windows player mediates 9


2      Go to specify the classification of the files, if they are: songs, masks, several, publicity, fx


                        Song: it is a musical topic of a group or singer.


Mask: we will understand for mask a brief one recording on the radio station, dial, program principle, final or indicative of the one same.


fx: it is a special effect of brief duration.


Publicity: it is a commercial announcement of a client, their emisión(fecha and hour) it will be registered as voucher.


3          we will specify the name, interpreter, album, year and styles of the file.



This step is only valid if there is selected un  single file in the Step 01.


Wit uses the data stored in the tag of the file multimedia to acquire the name, interpreter or gender of the same one, if the file mediates it doesn't have this information it it will classify in the following way: in the title and interpreter will put the name of the file (Example: "Alex-contigo.mp3"). And in the I generate "Unknow" (unknown).


In this section you can correct these data in the corresponding stalls before giving the high one, for to modify them once the file is of discharge he/she will go to Maintenance of files stocking.


We will also specify the moment of:


Inicio  : in that point should reproduce the file


End      : in that moment the reproduction should conclude of the file


Intro   :  is the time since the song has begun until the interpreter begins to sing. And so much por                indicates the time that prepares the speaker to speak.


Outro  :  it is the time of which the speaker prepares to say goodbye to the song.



For all the discharges: option is he/she makes that the selected styles are applied to all the files that se      will give of high.


To assign like style 1, the name of the portfolio:  if the files you encuentrán in a pop called portfolio when being given of high, in estilo1, they will be classified as pop.



Wit 2004 have the Inteligent Mixer that calculates us automatically the moment suitable of the Beginning and End of the file. It analyzes the file what saves us a lot of work.


The parameters of the Inteligent Mixer they can be configured in :

 witàconfiguracionesàconfiguración generalàinteligent mixer



The inteligent Mixer analyzes the dB of the file, for what we can know in that moment begins or it finishes a archivo  and to force to that the takes place it mixes when a certain level of decibels has been reached.


We have two securities


                      Beginning of default file   10 db 

                      End     de file for defecto  30 db



                We also specify the styles :

for the canciones   5     styles + 1 gender example: successes, national, you program night          

for the caretas       5      estilos

for the varios          1     style





We can also specify information with respect to the high one in the INFO - help, for example comments on the song.




4         To begin the high one

To normalize: if we activate it is option in green, when being given the discharge the files the one it will be corrected volume of the same ones at a good level.

I.mixer: it is option makes that the end is calculated according to the db

Crossfader: option is he/she makes that the end is calculated according to the seconds indicated in the stall crosfader, marking as final, the duration of the less files those seconds of the crossfader.


Once we have executed those three previous steps press the button to accept and the process begins of high, ended once the line of progression arrives at the end.


Once completed a detail appears of like the discharges have taken place


         If the file was not compatible.

         If it was already given of high.


         If there has been anomaly or it already existed NOT you he/she carries out the high one again.




5         To upgrade the files to Inteligent Mixer


This option is so that they are again calculated the securities of Beginning and of End of the file, according to the inteligent mixer.


This option is available for if we modify the securities of the Inteligent for example Mixer and we want to upgrade the data of the files that have already been given of high.


We can choose that type of files we want to upgrade. songs, masks, fx, publicity, several.





























































HIGH OF FILES MEDIA :         From audio cd (Ripear)



































HE/SHE MEDIATES MANAGER :        maintenance of files






1      to Modify or to eliminate the files stocking: the data that were specified when giving here of high the archivo        can modify.

      title, interpreter, dates of high, year, album, indexes, beginning, end, intro, outro, styles, gender, help


2      to Upgrade data ID3  : The whole previous information that we have of the files the he/she keeps in the own file, and then for example when giving of high the one again I file, it recovers the whole information of the same one, avoiding the whole work.


3         To check if the files exist: This tool allows us to check if all the file, routes and portfolios are correct, and it allows us to erase all those files that don't exist.


4         Number of files of high:   indicates Us the quantity of files that we have of high in the one system, also gives us the securities for styles.



5      to Convert those name of the files: It converts the name from the discharges to the format of own name the first letter in Capital and the following ones in minuscule Ejemplo  the polis  à The Polis


















HE/SHE MEDIATES PLAYED :        record of reproduced files





It is a registration of those files reproduced by days and hours.

Here we can consult the times that he/she has reproduced any file

It doesn't allow to print the reports.

Also the publicity, although for this task it is more advisable it is to go to the module of publicity and of publi manager.





1                     We select the file type that we want to consult


2                     We indicate like debit side to be ordered for it dates or for name


3                     If we only want to consult a I file, here we select it


4                     Since day until day we want to consult.


5                     To see all, to see all the files that they have been reproduced without any restriction neither filter.
























Here we can create, to modify, to eliminate the styles that we will use to classify the files stocking.










Here we can create, to modify, to eliminate the goods that we will use to classify the songs.

Default Wit already incorporates dice of high the goods STANDARD.

We don't recommend that they are modified, because it is like they come all the default classified songs.


















Here we can obtain listings of the files stocking.






Here we have all the data of the cd´s that have been ripeados, even the songs that have been ripeadas

When we use the cd ripper automatically he/she leaves creating this cd´s registration, is then of great help when we go to ripear a cd, it indicates us if it has already been ripeado, and that songs lack for rippear.